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  New Views about Retirement
In Volume 10, we discussed a number of important topics surrounding the need to plan for the future. These topics included estate planning, living trusts, wills and trusts, writing your will, unexpected expenses, financial planning for retirement, Social Security, 401(k) retirement savings programs, and IRAs. In Volume 12, we maintain the focus on planning for the future while shifting the emphasis to the financial concerns of senior citizens (essentially anyone over 50 years old), as well as the timely topic of caring for the elderly, given that many read- ers are part of the baby boomer “sand-
wich generation” who may still be raising children while needing to care for their elderly parents.
New Views about Retirement
No question about it. Retirement means
different things to different people, and
Americans across generations are developing new and different ideas about how they expect to approach retirement. Such are the findings from a study conducted by Charles Schwab & Co. and Age Wave.
The Schwab and Age Wave study, entitled “Rethinking Retirement: Four American Generations Share Their Views on Life’s Third Act,” examined attitudes and opinions of 3,866 respondents across four
      When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?
~Chuck Palahniuk

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