Page 16 - Book11E
P. 16

 Let’s Review
See how well you understand your own financial status by answering the following questions. Circle the answer that applies to you.
1. I know how much cash I have in my wallet all of the time.
True False
2. I have a plan in place that includes short-term and long-term financial goals.
True False
3. I live paycheck to paycheck.
True False
4. As soon as I make a withdrawal, I record it in my checkbook register.
True False
5. I have started an emergency fund.
True False
6. My paychecks are all used for paying bills.
True False
7. I clip coupons and comparison-price shop often.
True False
8. When I'm having a bad day, spending money makes me feel better.
True False
9. I pay my credit card balance each month and don't carry any credit card debt.
True False
10. I contribute to a savings account each month.
True False
If you answered True to questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10, your're in good shape. If you answered True to questions 3, 6, and 8, you may need to re-evaluate your budget and spending habits.
Financial Tips for Single Parents

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