Page 96 - Workbook2E
P. 96

 How Your Dream Builder Works
Congratulations on taking the first step How YotouarchDiervienag myouBr udirledaemrs.Works
 Get ready to take charge of your money and your future. It’s exciting to see all the things you can accomplish
Congratulations on taking the first step
with some planning and record keeping.
to achieving your dreams.
Turn to Your Dream Account and follow the instructions.Then return back here and Get ready to take charge of your money and your future.
go on to step 2.
It’s exciting to see all the things you can accomplish
with some planning and record keeping.
Your Spending Record will help you keep track of all the money you earn and spend.
It will also help you deposit money in Your Dream Account. Look at the sample Turn to Your Dream Account and follow the instructions.Then return back here and
Spending Record to see how to use it. go on to step 2.
Write in the columns at the top of a blank Spending Record sheet the amount of Your Spending Record will help you keep track of all the money you earn and spend.
savings and spending money you have on hand today.
It will also help you deposit money in Your Dream Account. Look at the sample
Spending Record to see how to use it.
Write in the columns at the top of a blank Spending Record sheet the amount of
savings and spending money you have on hand today.
Every time you spend money write it down in your Spending Record. Always include the date and a brief description of what you bought.Then put the amount in the top box at the right of the page (Spent & Balance column), and subtract that amount from the prior balance. Record the new balance in the light blue box.This way you will know where your money went and what’s left.
Every time you spend money write it down in your Spending Record. Always include the date and a brief description of what you bought.Then put the amount
Record all the money you earn in the Money Earned column. Next, decide how in the top box at the right of the page (Spent & Balance column), and subtract that
much of those earnings you want to deposit in Your Dream Account.Write that amount from the prior balance. Record the new balance in the light blue box.This
amount in the “Dream Account” column.The left over money is put in the “Spent & way you will know where your money went and what’s left.
Balance” column for your immediate use; only make sure you add this amount to the balance, don’t subtract it.
Record all the money you earn in the Money Earned column. Next, decide how much of those earnings you want to deposit in Your Dream Account.Write that
When you have completely filled a Spending Record, total each column at the amount in the “Dream Account” column.The left over money is put in the “Spent &
bottom of the page. Carry the balance of the Money Saved and Spent & Balance Balance” column for your immediate use; only make sure you add this amount to the
totals to the next record sheet. balance, don’t subtract it.
Always use your Dream Builder and record everything you earn and spend. When you have completely filled a Spending Record, total each column at the
Think about your balance, if Your Dream Account is nearly empty then be willing to bottom of the page. Carry the balance of the Money Saved and Spent & Balance harder and spend less. It’s worth it to achieve your dreams. totals to the next record sheet.
Always use your Dream Builder and record everything you earn and spend. Think about your balance, if Your Dream Account is nearly empty then be willing to harder and spend less. It’s worth it to achieve your dreams.
92 Workbook 2: Improve Your Financial Life

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