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Motivate Your Children to Take Care of Their Money
The Power of a Dream
Dreams are a vital part of your family’s financial fitness program. Without dreams, it’s difficult to develop goals that can truly motivate you to learn important financial skills. As you dream about how things might be, you build a vision of what could be.
The best way to start your children on the path to financial fitness is to teach them to dream. Dreams and plans are key motivators for making decisions and giving direction to their actions, and their future.
Listen to your children share their dreams. You’ll forge a bond of trust between you that lasts a lifetime. Help them nurture their dreams and encourage their work to make those dreams come true.
       During the Depression of the 1930’s, Conrad Hilton dared to dream. He wrote: “It was a presumptuous, outrageous time to dream. Still I cut out that picture of the Waldorf and wrote across it—The Greatest of Them All. As soon as I had won a desk of my own, I slipped the dog-eared clipping under the glass top. From then on it was always in front of me. Fifteen years later, in October 1949, ‘The Greatest of Them All’ became a Hilton Hotel.”
  Success Insurance—the Best Gift
Believe it or not—the best way to show love for your children is to not always “bail them out” when they get into financial trouble. Learning to avoid financial difficulties teaches them much more.
When they learn planned spending, consistent saving, financial discipline, and goal setting, they’ll always have “success insurance,” which is a better gift by far.
 “I saved my allowance and built it with NO loans or interest payments!”
 “The secret of discipline is motivation. When a man is sufficiently motivated, discipline will take care of itself.”
~ Sir Alexander Paterson
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