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Your Financial Stress Profile—Evaluations Stressor No. 4 Handling Discord from page 36
We accept that confrontations are an every-day fact of life. But handling them and settling disputes
are not always easy. It often seems easier to hide from these kinds of pressures, hoping they’ll just work themselves out. However, ignoring or postponing dealing with discord can create even more pressures and stress. Consider these recommendations based on the results of Your Financial Stress Profile questionnaire.
    You’re currently inclined to face confrontations and disputes head on.
You naturally want to get things settled and are inclined toward action. However,
you might seem threatening to those around you who aren’t as ready to embrace a solution. Make a point of only addressing the situation that needs correction.
Treat others with respect and courtesy. Avoid blame or personal criticism.
Don’t assume others feel as comfortable about dealing with the problem as you do.
Focus on solutions. Often it’s easier to verbalize feelings than to visualize solutions. Communicate solutions that encourage the involvement and cooperation of others.
Make sure there’s a level playing field. Often discord comes from people having flawed or incomplete information.
Listen to others before you make judgments and be careful about jumping to conclusions.
   You currently feel moderate stress from the prospects of dealing with discord.
Avoid any tendency to
run away or escape from confrontations or discord. You can’t really get away from the reality of confrontations.
Life is messy. Financial obligations don’t disappear, and interest never sleeps. Delays merely make things worse.
Trying to avoid any responsibility or consequences is like trying to run a race against the sun. You may get ahead of it for an hour or two, but in the morning you can be sure the sun will shine again and light up the shadows where you’ve been hiding.
Take care of things NOW! When you’re tempted to procrastinate: do it now. Deal with creditors now; meet opponents in person now; inform people about your intentions now; find solutions now; visualize yourself taking necessary first steps now. Get into action!
   You currently feel a lot of pressure from the prospect of dealing with discord in your life.
Be aware you may be less ready to deal with confrontation than others.
Awareness is an important
key. Avoid hiding your head
in the sand when confronted with situations that threaten or frighten you.
If necessary turn to others
to mediate or solve difficult situations, but watch and
learn from them. But don’t
push your responsibility onto others. Ignorance is not a good excuse. Avoidance is like a stress- generating machine; it multiplies your discomfort and distress.
Simply saying positive words can create positive energy. Reminding yourself you can handle it may help when you’re faced with difficulties. Practice making and keeping commitments.
Keeping up is easier than catching up. Handle discord in your life NOW! Work to be responsible for your own load—and even help others.
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