Page 47 - Workbook2E
P. 47

Your Financial Stress Profile—Questionnaire
  Rate each statement listed below in terms of the amount of pressure you feel and circle your answer. How strongly would each affect you if you were in that situation?
Your spouse seems to be starting to become a ‘pack rat’ 0123
During your recent illness, your house has become somewhat cluttered 0123
You can’t get your children to put their toys or possessions away 0123
You have a lot of shelves of belongings stored in your basement and garage, many of them you only use only once or twice a year
                  0123 At work you have several bookcases full of books which mostly just collect dust 0123
          You give away an appliance that’s stopped working and buy a new one, rather than repair the old one
You always make alterations and repairs to clothes before you discard them, stretching as much life as possible out of them before you buy new ones
Your neighbors just brought over some of their cast-offs for you to sort through before they take them to the rummage sale
You’re struggling to keep a promise you made to yourself to have all your important belongings inventoried and photo-identified
You’re asked whether or not you agree with a bumper sticker you see on a fancy sports car that reads, “He who dies with the most toys wins”
0123 0123 0123 0123 0123
                      This rates the pressure you feel from accumulating possessions. SUBTOTALS:
            “It’s especially hard to work for money you’ve already spent for something you didn’t need.”
~ Unknown
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